Gergely Zöldi: "This generation could do great things" A conversation with actress Réka Pelsőczy (2000.04.17.)
Gergely Zöldi: "I guess that almost everything depends on the energy. On our not being indifferent." Conversations with Roland Rába (2000.04.13.)
Erika Ozsda: A change should come An interview with head of Budapest Film Studio László Kántor (2000.04.13.)
Gabriella Gönczy: Film... An interview with director András Surányi (2000.02.28.)
Gergely Zöldi: "I'm in the process of throwing away
everything old and slowly collecting the new"
Conversations with actress Erika Bodnár (2000.03.28.)
Lajos Koltai - The 1999 Europe Award winning photographer Interviewed by Elisabeth Nagy (2000.02.23.)
György Báron: Fercsi In Memoriam Ferenc Kardos (2000.02.16.)
Vera Surányi: Meeting Ferenc Cakó The artist's live performance at Örökmozgó Filmmuseum (2000.02.16.)


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